DOE to Accept Low-Income Solar Bonus Credit Applications

Solar Credit

Exciting news for individuals, businesses, and tax-exempt organizations interested in supporting low-income communities and harnessing the power of clean energy. The Department of Energy (DOE) is gearing up to accept applications for the Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program this fall. This program, established under the Inflation Reduction Act, offers increased energy investment credits for solar and wind facilities built in connection with low-income communities. 

The program covers four project categories, each associated with an increase of either 10% or 20% in energy investment credits. These categories are designed to support various types of solar and wind facilities, ensuring flexibility and inclusivity in the program.

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program represents a significant step forward in promoting environmental justice, clean energy adoption, and economic development in low-income communities. By providing financial incentives for solar and wind projects, the program encourages sustainable investments that benefit both participants and the communities they serve.

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